Education is teamwork, not a one person operation.
The team that wins is the team that works together.
The Role of Each Team Member
As educators we will;
create a positive environment,
assist students in developing thinking skills,
encourage exploration,
present academic materials,
be open minded and respectful to others,
know each child as an individual,
clearly communicate and work with other team members,
be patient and understanding,
teach according the school's mission and philosophy,
follow school policies and procedures.
As parents we will;
support our children,
encourage our children to do their best,
be involved in the academics (i.e. go over homework: show an interest in special projects, etc.),
be open minded and respectful to others,
clearly communicate with other team members,
ask questions when information is unclear,
show interest in our child's school,
be patient and understanding,
be supportive of the schools mission and philosophy,
follow school policies and procedures.
As students we will;
be willing to try,
ask any questions we need answers for,
be open minded and show respect to others,
take on responsibilities,
take part and be involved,
clearly communicate with other team members,
be willing to take a risk,
be patient, understanding and respectful,
follow school policies and procedures.